Live. Learn. Thrive

Are you ready to take a proactive approach on your health?

Offering a range* of nutrigenomics DNA tests which can inform how health risks may be prevented or mitigated using personalised diet and nutritional changes.


“To be able to know how my body works with foods and what it needs according to my DNA is revolutionary. As a professional sportsman this knowledge is paramount to get the best out of myself” - L.P.J.K. Professional Cricketer

Are you ready to be your Personal Best?

Packages start from £400 

is a subset of genomics that focuses on the genes that relate and respond to nutrition and lifestyle interventions, with the aim of achieving optimal health. 

By doing a simple, non-evasive cheek swab you can discover your DNA blueprint and learn how well your genes are matched to your present diet and lifestyle, as well as how you can unlock the full potential of your current and future health and wellness.

A DNA test provides valuable insights to support a preventative and proactive approach to your health and well-being.

Most people understand our genes support our uniqueness – they influence everything from the colour of our eyes and our height to the predisposition of chronic disease.

However, science now confirms whilst your genetic code is fixed, your gene expression (activity) can be adjusted – increased or decreased by our environment and lifestyle choices such as nutrition, exercise, sleep and psychosocial factors.

So, in other words, your genes may load the ‘gun’, but it is your diet, lifestyle, stress and other environmental exposures that pull the ‘trigger’ that causes disease and premature ageing.

Synchronising our unique DNA blueprint with our diet and lifestyle is the key to the exciting new realm of personalised wellness medicine.

“Knowing others is wisdom,
  knowing yourself is enlightenment”



Sally Calder

Registered Nutritionist, Nutrigenomics Practitioner and Educator

My approach

We are all unique, and respond very differently to foods, the environment we are in, lifestyle choices and exercise. The very reason a one size fit’s all approach doesn’t work.

Working with LifecodeGXx and their cutting-edge genomics science I can offer professional, ethical DNA testing and analysis. Their specialist nutrigenomics DNA test panels* inform how inherited health risks can be mitigated through personalised nutrition and changes in lifestyle. Occasionally, for more complex cases I use a range of in-depth diagnostic functional tests, this helps to identify the root causes of illness or dysfunction and ultimately enables a totally personalised, preventative and proactive approach to your health.

My goal

My goal is to empower you to take charge of your health. I aim to help you gain greater control and confidence over the decisions and actions that affect your wellbeing.

A Nutrient Core DNA test

A Nutrient Core DNA test essentially gives you state of the art insight into how your body responds to the foods you eat including gluten, lactose, caffeine, and microbiome diversity. Your personal nutrient core report includes vitamin needs and further information about your metabolism. It’s yours to keep as a valuable reference guide for life. It will help remove the guesswork when deciding what foods and lifestyle factors best support your body and wellness goals.

Every aspect of your report is actionable, never any bad news. You’re never too old (or too young) to discover such positive and enabling information and learn what you can do to take a personal, preventative, and proactive approach to your health and wellbeing.

Ever wondered why some diets work for some and not others?

Choose Your Package


from  £400

Free 15 min initial consultation

Health Questionaire

DNA Nutrient Core

Analysis & report summary
for DNA Nutrient Core

1 x 40 min report findings consultation

Essentials Plus

to suit your needs.

Please enquire


to suit your needs.


Comprehensive Plus

to suit your needs.


Not sure which package to choose?

I would love to help you attain your personal goals and support you in your own unique journey.

If you would like more information or discuss your health and/or performance goals
I offer a FREE initial consultation. 


Corporate Wellness Programmes

The smartest investment you can make into the wellbeing of your employees


“To be able to know how my body works with foods and what it needs according to my DNA is revolutionary.

As a professional sportsman this knowledge is paramount to get the best out of myself.

Sally’s knowledge and passion is spot on! My extensive report is full of great ideas and even includes a shopping list to ensure I don’t forget anything!” 


Professional Cricketer

“While I’m relatively fit and active and make good dietary choices for the most part, I knew bad habits had crept into my eating. It’s too easy to overindulge in the favourites.

I had a few aches and pains particularly in my ankle joints and feet, and brain fog in the mornings. I loved the programme Sally recommended, the menu and food choices varied and were remarkably tasty, with ideas I plan to continue. I sensed initially a much clearer head in just a few days and further into the programme it was evident my aches and pains in my joints had gone, and while not the objective, I lost a few pounds in weight, an added bonus! I feel totally healthier and very happy with my results.”

Philip K

“I contacted Sally as I had not been feeling well after living in India for a couple of years. I found the whole process efficient, informative and surprising as it really explained aspects of my health including that I am a natural insomniac! The nutritional advice and suggestions were really helpful. I feel so much better now and sleeping better too.”

K. Ross

“Through lockdown I got totally out of routine, my eating and sleeping patterns suffered and as a result, gained nearly a stone in weight. I struggled with constantly waking up feeling tired with little energy or motivation. Sally’s knowledge, guidance and clear explanations helped me understand where I was going wrong and soon got me back on track! Not only have I lost weight, but I’ve noticed my skin is much clearer and it’s great to feel the spring back in my step again. I wouldn’t think twice about recommending Sally to anyone who knows they need to take back control of their health. ”

Linda B

“… and I never thought I’d ever come off painkillers for the chronic arthritic pain in my wrists through changing my diet, truly lifechanging.”

Mary S

“I saw Sally after she came highly recommended. I have quite complex needs, including digestive problems and chronic illness. Sally was very professional and extremely passionate about her work. Nutrigenomics was a revelation to me. Through genetic testing and Sally’s expertise she has been able to pinpoint my issues and set me on a protocol of Taylor-made nutrition and supplementation plan. Although it’s early days, I feel my symptoms are declining and my energy levels have increased. The improvements are not only physical but mental too, I am so excited to see how I progress…”

Immy J. L

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is there a minimum or maximum age to have this DNA testing done?

    No. it is suitable for any age. My clients range from 15 months to 81 years old.

  • How long does it take to receive my swab test through the post?

    The test kit is despatched immediately on receipt of a small deposit, and normally arrives within 24 hours.

  • Can I upgrade my package if I decide to have more panels/functional tests?

    Yes, your DNA is kept secure and available for up to 3 months. Panels can be added at anytime during this 3 month period.

  • Is the swab test straight forward to do?

    Yes, the simple cheek swab takes less than 2 minutes to complete and arrives with clear instructions.

  • Where do I post the swab test to?

    There is a stamped addressed envelope enclosed in your test kit.

  • How long does it take to receive my results?

    From your completed swab test  arriving at the laboratory, it takes approximately 3 weeks to process. Your results will be ready between 3 and 4 weeks.

  • Will the Nutrient Core test pick up on any issues relating to dairy products?

    Yes, lactose intolerance is included in this panel.

  • Will my results help me identify where I am going wrong with my current diet?

    Yes. The Nutrient Core panel informs on 15 aspects of health and includes a lot of personalised advice on better food choices aligned to your personal DNA results.

  • How do I know which panels/package to choose?

    I offer a free, no-obligation, initial consultation to help you decide. This also gives you the opportunity to ask any questions you may have.

  • Will my results ever become out of date and need re-doing?

    No. Your genes never change so the information this provides will never ever change or become outdated.

  • Is there ever any bad news?

    Never. There is never any bad news… everything is actionable through diet and lifestyles modifications.


The Importance of
Gut Health

Did you know there are more clever little microbes residing in your gut than there are humans on this planet?

Summer Salad

Courgette, Chilli, Walnut & Mint Salad

Focus on:

Nightshade vegetables – are they bad for you?

Focus on:
Chia Seeds

Chia seeds may be tiny, but they are a metabolic powerhouse that help lower glucose and deliver essential nutrients 


Nutritious, delicious, freezer friendly, Broccoli Soup that’s ready to serve in 30 mins flat!

Focus on:

Magnesium is an essential mineral involved in over 600 functions in the body. 

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